Sunday, July 26, 2009


Okay I am going to post the website link when everything is finished!! Joe can you let me know when you're done adding your stuff?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

final concept map

looks great natalie. please post it on the website too

Final Concept Map

Is this the only place i have to post it to get graded?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I've gotten a lot done on the webpage. You guys need to create two of the pages so I left some for you. Don't forget you need to create something new (podcast, movie, etc.) I already did a powerpoint. its kinda a lot of work so you may want to get started.

Monday, July 20, 2009

i started our group site. the group account is and the password is recycle24. post all of your stuff up there when you guys get a chance.
hey natalie the final concept map was due yesterday so if you could post that asap that would be great.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

hey guys sorry I didn't post my country last week, i did Mexico so we are okay with that. I don't have any ideas at the moment for the final concept map, i'll have to keep thinking about that one.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Final Inspiration

I will do the final inspiration! Let me know if you guys have any more ideas for it!? I'm going to look over the frist two and just make sure I have everything from those on it, plus whatever new things we should add!

mini website

I decided to do the website on Ottawa, Canada.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

mini website

I am still working on my website and I am not really sure what I am going to do with it yet.

hey guys

Hey guys just checking into the blog. I ended up getting the podcast to finally save to an mp3. Sorry it took me so long to get it to work. The podcast turned out good though, thanks for putting it together Joe.

Monday, July 6, 2009

did you get the podcast together?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

sounds great joe! can't wait to hear the final podcast.

Podcast Script

My podcast deals with the goals we have for the school, the classrooms, and the students while participating in the school wide recycling program.

We are implementing a school wide recycling program into our school and there are some goals for the school to accomplish

Are goals include those that reflect the entire school, the individual classrooms and the students that are participating in this recycling program.

The goals we have for the school are to have all classrooms and students participating in the recycling program and to establish a sense of responsibility and community into the students through their participation in the recycling program.

The goals for the classrooms are to, implement a project based that involves lessons related to the recycling program. Minor goals for the classroom include; recycling bins in each classroom, to have each student participating, and to recycle enough money to have a student field trip.

The goals we have for the students are for their inquisitiveness for recycling to drive their learning. Some other goals include; for the students to participate in the recycling program, to build their awareness of their community and environment, to learn how recycling works, and above all, for them to enjoy working in the school wide recycling program.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


hey guys all that sounds good. Joe I sent you my podcast cause i'm going camping this weekend and won't have a computer, hope you don't mind putting it together.


I haven't finished my podcast yet, but I will have it done by Sunday and I am still trying to figure out exactly what mine is going to be about so if you guys have any ideas let me know.

Lesson Plan 2

I'm just now doing lesson plan 2.
I'm going to have students goto different classrooms asking what each clasroom's goal for recycling is. Then use this to create a school wide goal shown on a graph.

Just thought i'd let you guys know!

My podcast

I figured my podcast would sound good going after Jenn's. Let me know what you think. Here is my podcast it focuses on How the project is set up: where recycling bins are located, classroom competition, etc. Joe: if you need an idea i was thinking you could go with Places we will be working with for recycling, or classroom goals/prizes/how things will be counted. Pretty much just wrap up the podcast! I will send my podcast to you by Saturday if you don't mind putting it together??

At the school recycling kick-off assembly, students will be given information about the school-recycling program, and how to do their best to take part in it. They will be told how the program will organized. Overall, the program is a competition between the different grades to see who can come up with the most material to be recycled throughout the year. The materials to be recycled in the competition are: aluminum cans plastic bottles, paper, and glass. There will be specific bins in each classroom for all of these materials. Bins will also be located in areas around the school such as the cafeteria, offices, and computer room. Materials in these bins will benefit the school as a whole, but will not count toward any individual classroom’s recycling. Materials will be counted by student volunteers every week, and then placed into the proper larger bins for each material. Every month, or when needed the large bins will be taken to the proper places for recycling. The school will also be recycling old technology and electronics when needed, but these will not be counted in the competition. The school will also to their best to implement being environmentally conscious to tie in with recycling. There will be a school-wide blog created using for the different classrooms to communicate with each other about any issues, concerns, ideas, and progress of the recycling program. Each class will have an account on the blog and students and teachers may post to it when necessary. Each class will also create their own asset maps for their individual classroom recycling. The asset maps will help show each class what is necessary to do in order to successfully take part in the recycling program, and how their class can help the school’s program. The students will be encouraged to provide plenty input throughout the entire project such as classroom goals, prizes, and overall project management.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I am not going to be able to start the podcast assignment until after this weekend, but that is o.k. because this assignment is not due until july 5th, but if there is anything that you need me to do for it right now let me know and i will find a way to fit it in
hey guys i finish my portion of the podcast, here it is if you wanna read it.

Our group project is implementing a school wide recycling program. The portion I will discuss in this podcast is student awareness. Student awareness is a very important part of the program because students need to be aware of what it is they are working for, and the reasons why something like recycling is so important. Our group decided that having a school wide assembly when the program is first getting under way is a good way to raise awareness and give a general overview of what that school is trying to accomplish. Areas covered in this assembly would include; statistics of the worlds current state and recycling, why it is important to recycle, what the students can do to make a difference, and an introduction of the school wide program. As students continue to research the importance of recycling and learn more about it, we decided students could keep a personal webpage of the things they have learned about recycling as well as any interesting facts. Students’ personal web pages would be created in igoogle, My yahoo or pageflakes. This would just be a fun and creative way for students to share what they have learned with other schools as well as keeping them thinking about it. Our group also discussed the use of virtual fieldtrips to raise student awareness. Virtual fieldtrips are a fun way to get students engaged, learn new things, and keep costs down. Instead of spending money to take the school on a traditional fieldtrip to the recycling center, classes could explore what a recycling center does and how it operates from the comfort of their own classrooms. Student awareness is extremely important when it comes to projects like implementing a school wide recycling center. By using technology in the classroom, teachers can come up with fun and creative ways to keep students involved.

alright, so just send me yours when you guys finish and i'll put it together for us!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


For the podcast I want to focus on the student awareness portion of our project. The two concepts from the book I would like to talk about are virtual fieldtrips and personalized web pages. You guys can send me your podcasts and i'll put them together.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Concept Map

Concept Map

This weeks

I still have to do my movie yet, so i am really behind in the class. I'm not sure what i'm doing my next lesson plan on either, so I'll let you guys know when I do that. Thanks for doing the next concept map Joe. I'll do the last one. Sorry I've just been super busy!
only one person at a time is suppost to download the software at a time because it gets you only a 30 day free trial. since i did it last time, my 30 free trial is over. now someone else has to download it and revise the one we have up there. I was think for revisions we should add virtual fieldtrips or real class fieldtrips to recycling centers.

Lesson Plan 2

For my data collection lesson plan I will have the students collect data on how much paper, glass, and metal are recycled in Michigan or maybe just Kalamazoo, I'm not sure what size of an area I am going to use yet for the data collection.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

new concept map

hey guys since I did the last concept map and my trial is used up, can someone else create the revise concept map. however does it can just post it and then we can add comments, thanks!

lesson plan 2

I'm doing my second lesson plan on recycling centers, how they work and what they do. For the data collection students will sort of bin of materials and sort them into groups of glass, paper, plastic, aluminum and other. students will then make a graph that presents their findings.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I haven't finished my movie yet, but I decided to make my movie about the different products that can be made from recycled materials and the positive impact such products can have on the environment, such as the way using recycled paper reduces the amount of deforestation happening in the world.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

my movie

I decided on doing my movie on the green movement. Like things we can do other than just recycling to be Earth concious. Hopefully this is ok... I am always nervous about my topic. I was thinking like using the special lightbulbs and things kids can do at home like tell their parents to use the recyclable shopping bags and thigns that are good for the environment. I think this would fit under our Awareness topic in our chart.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

video ideas

i am having trouble coming up with an idea for the assignment, do you guys have any ideas?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I"m going to do my movie on the harmful effect of landfills and how recycling helps lessen those problems.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Lesson Plan

I turned my lesson plan in late so I am not sure if I have to re-do it or not, I hope I don't have to it took me forever to figure out how to use Taskstream. Did the teacher say what made your lesson to similar to one of ours?

Sunday, May 31, 2009

I have to re-do my lesson plan

I have to re-do my lesson plan because our concepts were too close. Do any of you guys have to re-do yours? I don't really understand... but i guess I am going to do it on "places to work with when recycling." This is kind of frustrating and I don't really get why I have to re-do it. For the power point I am going to also do "places to work with when recycling" because it seems like my topic may be too close to your guys's. Since you guys probably already did yours i'll just change mine. I am kind of behind schedule on homework and might just turn it in late anyways. Anyways sorry if you guys have to redo it! This sucks! Oh well!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Power point

For the power point assignment I think my presentation is going revolve around how to properly sort and prepare your items that are going to be recycled.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I am going to do my power point on items that can be recycled.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Power Point Mini Lesson

So for this week we have to do a Power Point Mini Lesson. I am going to do mine on where recylcing bins are located throughout the school and remind students to use them!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Topic for the Lesson Plan

For the lesson plan I am going to do a 1st grade lesson plan and the topics of my lesson plan is going to be what materials can be recycled and what materials can not be recycled.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This Week's Assignment

Hey guys. For this week we have to make a lesson plan and we all have to have different topics for our lesson plans that have to do with our main topic: recycling. I'm not sure if we all have to focus it on the same grade level or not. Maybe we could all pick a grade? I was thinking 3rd or 4th. Let me know what you think. I was thinking I could do my recycling lesson on how aluminum is recycled and what it is used for. If you guys are stuck on a topic maybe you could do how plastic is recycled and how paper is recycled. Just a thought! Let me know what you guys end up choosing for your topics!

Okay- i just read the teachers new note about doing "totally different" areas of the concept map. Maybe we should do three very different lessons then instead of my idea about doing the 3 types of recycled products...just to be safe.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

revised concept map

here is the new map.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Natalie, let me know what you want to add to the chart. i'm sure theres something.
Here are the links to the websites I did for the evaluation so that you don't do the same ones